The New Pythagorean School

The New Pythagorean School (NPS) is a philosophical and cultural organization oriented towards the rediscovery and actualization of Italic-Pythagorean ethics.

The two pillars of the New Pythagorean School are theanti-violence and the dignity of women, which find their foundation in the history of Pythagoras and of Italy, today more than ever decisive arguments for the harmonious coexistence of all the living beings of the earth.

The New Pythagorean School also promotes cultural activities aimed at a critical re-examination of history, capable of leading to an awareness that gives an elevated meaning to life.

Today we consider essential the need to explore and use the Magna Graecia cultural treasure hidden under the ruins of such decadence. This project is not animated by desires to return to the past or seek revenge, but rather it is dictated by the willingness to make the Earth the common residence for all people, to overcome the divisions and obstacles generated by envies, religions, politics, races and gender. With only this as our aim, ancient and modern, the New Pythagorean School will surge from the ashes from where it once was established and operated: Crotone“.


The New Pythagorean School was officially born on 30 November 2015 with the signature of the deed of incorporation near the Temple of Hera Lacinia di Crotone. The following day, on 1 December 2015, all the documents were deposited in public offices.

The project was born thanks to the ideas contained in the books and other writings of Salvatore Mongiardo, who came to Crotone in 2012 at the invitation of Domenico Monizzi to hold a conference in Pythagorean meetings of cardiology. They then began to think of an organization that rediscovered Italic and Pythagorean values ​​in many ways ignored by both the academic world and the public even in Calabria itself.

In June 2015 Marco Tricoli, after reading the book Cristo ritorna da Crotone, gets in touch with the author Salvatore Mongiardo, who happened to be in Crotone, he wanted to know his reader. The meeting takes place at the Museum and Gardens of Pythagoras and soon after the two reach Domenico Monizzi to have lunch together in a restaurant on the Lacinio promontory. In that meeting the New Pythagorean School was born with the task given to Marco to draw up the statute and outline the project. To the three were added Rosa Brancatella and Francesco Lopez. All five officially signed the deed of incorporation.

With the first months of 2016, the membership of the first founding members began, who from all over the world shared the initiative. And so, after several presentations around Italy, the official inauguration at Crotone of the New Pythagorean School took place on 18 August 2016. In that fantastic and exciting evening, in the presence of hundreds of people coming from countries near and far, its opening was proclaimed and the will to resume the journey begun by Pythagoras 2500 years earlier has been affirmed.

In the first two years of activity, the New Pythagorean School has promoted various initiatives in many cities in the cultural, informative and artistic fields, maintaining firm the philosophical principles that characterize it.

The first operational offices in Italy were structured, promoting the World Day for the destruction of all weapons and the Celebration of the Birth of Italy. They have been combined with the Syssitia, the community banquet established by King Italus and then resumed by Pythagoras. The Syssitia are celebrated with the Bread Ox, an Italic tradition emblem of the end of violence. The Bread Ox has now become the symbol of the NPS.

To date, the New Pythagorean School has 316 members from over 12 countries.