Ancona – March 11th – h17:30 Corso Amendola 8/A at the Libreria del Benessere – Meeting with Members and Friends of the New Pythagorean School to discuss and debate on the proposal, activities and topic areas.
Milano – March 25th – H18:00 Via Moretto da Brescia 22 – Operetional meeting with Members and Friends of Lombardy and Northern Italy.
Crotone – March 29th – H10:00 Museum Pythagoras Gardens entrance Via G. Falcone – Course on the recognition, harvesting use and transformation of the wild herbs with Members Maria Sonia Baldoni. The meeting will continue in the afternoon with the conference and the report on the day.
For more information write to info@nuovascuolapitagorica.org or call the contacts on website.